I may be a newfound believer in "the secret." I don't know anything about the secret, except, I think you are supposed to wish for something and then it comes into your life. So Ashley and I have been wishing for a nice camera, and then when I rented a car yesterday and looked for a safe place to stash my wallet... would you look what the secret had in store for us in the middle console!
You are looking at our brand new camera! Thank you secret! The secret taketh, and the secret giveth.
Just kidding. No but seriously, this is a nice camera. I believe it's a Canon EOS Rebel Xti, which retails for about five hundy.
Immediately I thought of how I could live with myself if I kept the camera. I briefly scanned the pictures, to see if they camera taker or subjects appeared to be morally reprehensible, in which case they would NOT be missing their camera. Nope - seemed like nice enough people.
I also thought, "what if I return it, and the slimy guy at Hertz pockets it for himself!" "Yes... that's it... I'll keep it, and go on the case myself. I'll personally track the owner down." That idea sounded plausible for about 5 seconds.
Ultimately, we made the easy decision to return the camera. How could we keep it and feel good about ourselves. Taking pictures of all of these important parts of our life - with a stolen camera. It'd be like winning the lottery with a ticket stolen from an orphan.
I parked the rental car, flashy camera in hand... and strolled into the office. As soon as I walked in, two men met me with large smiles. One, was the guy from Hertz who was probably thinking, "you fool, that camera could've been mine," but the other, was the owner of the camera. I could tell it was him, because I had seen his pictures (a fact I neglected to share when surrenduring the camera).
They were both very pleased with my decision to return the camera. I felt good, knowing that I had done the right thing... but also glad that I hadn't pocketed the camera and then have to lie, to the owner's face no less, that I had stolen his camera.
C'mon secret... send us another digital camera!