
in another life...

A life that didn't involve health risks, or the risk of alienating my wife with the constant threat of heart failure and obesity, I'd be a competitive eater. I think I'm really good at eating fast.

In the mean time, like every good parent - I'm training my child to accomplish all of my unfulfilled dreams.


Willie DeFord said...

Hilarious. I like the Benny Hill music.

David said...

thanks willie. good to know there are some appreciators of high brow humor out there.

Liz said...

HA! What a hilarious little dude!

Benny Hill never gets old.

David said...

i love the benny hill song. i think it's almost universal in its comedic application

Priscilla said...

Well, I bet when you held your baby boy on March 9, 2009, you never imagines this.