So George has grown out of his car seat. Apparently now we need one that can be switched forward when we're ready, but supposedly they can stay rear facing until they are two. I'm not sure if we'll be able to wait that long (safety aside), as we'd love to see his little face as we're driving.
Do you guys have any recommendations on car seats 2.0?
In other news, Ashley and I have started the south beach diet and as you can see George helped us purge our refrigerator of all the things we could no longer eat.

Just kidding.
What a cute little guy. I think we have the same linoleum. Ha! You can read the safety readings and pretty much all of them are going to be safe. We went for the "chiper chicken" with ours, and it has worked fine, but honestly and selfishly, I wished we'd had one that was a little cooler looking. However, I suppose this car seat will see a lot more spills and cheerios.
chipper chicken? that sounds like an eatery at the citadel food court.
I forget what kind of car you drive, but we went with the Radian because it has great ratings but is narrower than most car seats so we could still seat 2 other kids in the back of the Honda. More of a issue when you have 2 kids with car/booster seats.
We have the Cosco Alpha/Omega but I might consider a narrower one since it is tough to get the carseat and both boosters in the back of our Rogue. Here is the link.
I have heard that the Britax Marathon or Roundabout are the best 2.0 carseats on the market, but that also means they are pricey. We got the Graco CozyCline that only faces forward. It is huge and a little bulky, but pretty deluxe and Lucy loves it. Nice if you don't have to carry it anywhere. I really like the MaxiCosi Priori--check it out at
we have a honda CRV. not super wide, so seat-width is important!
We were really concerned about width too and went with the Sunshine Kids Radian 90 (pretty sure that is the whole name). We got it here locally for a great discount and will start using it when Johnny joins our family in June. It fits really nicely and is said to fit three wide (as in three car seats) in a Jetta! Whoa. Narrow is great!
Harper, who is 15 months old has long legs that hang out of the seat and the pediatrician said don't worry about it. I felt really anxious to turn her around but they said, as you mentioned, to keep her rear facing until two so that is what we are doing.
* Inner thought* Wow- am I still writing?
As for seeing her we bought a big mirror at Babies R Us that attaches to the seat and we can see her in the rear view perfectly.
I hope this helps...
Ours is narrow. I don't recall what the brand is. But, it is also light weight and that really comes in handy. The Britax are great and we have a friend with one, but our friends complain that they are so, so heavy!! And they really are. Plus they are pretty monsterous in size, too.
Chipper chicken does sound like the citadel...just ask Ashley if you don't know what I am referring to.
I was all ready to pop in with my advice...until I realized it was about 15 years out of date. Like, when Abigail was six months old she was so tall that her legs hung out of the car seat, and the doctor at the time told me that WASN'T okay...and we needed to put her in a forward facing one. So my point is that I will just take my outdated device and go home, before I tell all of you to put whiskey on teething baby's gums and put them all to sleep on their tummies (they still say back, right?).
poor blythe, she used "aunt mammy's baby tonic" on all her kids. they turned out stellar, so i guess it's ok that it was highly addictive. ;)
actually blythe, now it's "back to sleep" campaign and they think they've seen a correlation in the reduction of SIDS and putting your child to sleep on their back.
also, there's this thing called the world wide we....
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