"geneology - I am doing it.
My geneology. And the reason why -
I am doing it, is very plain to me"
[you then go on to list some reasons i think]
Now I can't remember what the reasons are, and I can't be bothered to look them up either.
In the late 90's the Mormon church re-branded their world renowned genealogical research and called it "family history."
Now the song young children sing goes:
"family history, I am doing it.
My family history..."
A couple of weeks ago, while at church I was lingering in the foyer. There was a little stand that had really old pamphlets, including this one advertising the church's software designed to help people chart their family history.
The picture on it was instantly amusing. In the Mormon faith, we believe that the feelings we have to research our family history is divinely inspired. By researching our family, we learn much about the legacies of our family and our heritage. It's supposed to be an exciting experience.
Contrast that with the disdainful gaze of the ancestors in the pamphlet. I don't know what they are so sour about - but its obvious they aren't pleased with their records being unearthed. Family History seems to be one of those things that everyone says "I'll do it later." In most cases, they are right because it's definitely a popular pastime amongst the older generations.
I look forward to when I'm old so I won't have any excuses to not do family history. I hope by then my ancestors won't look down on me with disdain for procrastinating my research. I've been busy. Besides, old people need hobbies. I do have concerns with the fact that the majority of family history is now being conducted on computers. By the time family history should be my hobby, who knows what kind of crazy computers will be out there. I'm sure I won't know how to work it, I'll get frustrated, and go back to the other great recreational pursuit of retirees. Not coupon clipping. Napping.
Any of you guys got the family history bug? How do you feel about waiting until you are old to start looking into it? Would you rather take a nap and watch the price is right? Me too.
That pamphlet is hilarious! The ancestors do not look at all pleased with their descendant's work. Maybe they are chasing the wrong line.
My mom was huge into her family history. She gave each one of us these bins full of information, dates, stories, suggestions in hopes that one of her kids would take up where she left off. None of us have. Some of my brothers assume that since I am the girl and the only one who doesn't work (ROLL EYES HERE) that I should be all over this. But so far the family history bug hasn't bit me.
Hopefully one day I will turn off the View and postpone my nap and figure out how to use those fancy programs the church has. Kidding I don't watch the View and I will probably never give up my nap ;) but I will figure out those programs.
haa. completely agree. Old people need to feel useful, besides working at grocery stores. But, by the time we are old we wont need to be baggers anymore it will all be delivered or something. I'll be traveling and watching the OLD versions of the Price is Right. :)
Heh, I guess I am getting old, because about 3 years ago (at age 32) I started getting interested in my ancestors. I filled out my family tree as extensively as I could. Of particular interest to me is my matrilinial (sp?) line, I wondered what my last name would be if last names were handed down through women. I got as far as a 17th century English lady named Greystock, which I thought was pretty cool since I immediately associated it with the movie "Tarzan: The legend of Greystoke." Fill in Tarzan ancestor fantasy here, of course.
PS, I think the ancestors look so dour because they had to work their asses off their whole life long. Isn't there a primary song about that?
dawn, there are several primary songs who's sole purpose is to remind today's children how spoiled they are:
"pioneer children sang as they walked and walked and walked... aaaaaaaaand walked."
"here comes the oxcart oh how slow. it's pulled by an ox of course you know. its wheels (something somethign) as they move along. cre-ak, cre-ak, cre-ak, cre-ak,is their song." minor key, totally depressing.
and yes, they had it so much harder than we did. i marvel that women gave birth in those conditions.
Ok, I agree that the ancestors look pissed. But I think what they were really going for was a look of seriousness. Serious like, 'Our ancestors are looking down on us and depending on us to do this work'. Besides, dead people are never portrayed as smiling and having a ball, they are always portrayed as kind of serious.
Anyway, I think that's what they were going for but kind of failed.
When I'm old I hope to be very rich so I can pay someone else to do my family history for me.
Seeing as how Chris is a direct descendant of John D. Lee, I will discourage my children from doing their family history...just kidding, Chris! I am sure there are some good people back there. "it was a set up!"
I actually did get caught by the geneo----er---Family History (I am doing it) bug, but strangely enough, it made me tired. I decided to take a nap. I couldn't quite get to sleep, though. So I used the Aspercreme to soothe some of my back muscles and I was golden.
i bet john mccain loves doing geneology!
true story, the pulsipher's and george w. bush are related. way way way back.
it explains a lot.
don't worry serena, we all have relatives that we'd rather not claim!
"it was a set up"... haha
I actually really enjoy doing family history. I know that that coming from a 26 year old is rather odd. I don't know why, but I love it.
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